Bristol BlessFest
When: Monday 14th September - Sunday 18th October 2015
Launch: Tuesday 22nd September 2015, 7pm
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Twitter: #BristolBlessFest
Facebook: Bristol BlessFest
As Bristol Churches Togther we're inviting people to get creative with ways to bless their own community in Bristol and beyond.
The purpose for this period is that Christians across Bristol are stepping out in simple acts of love that are powerful and doing it together at the same time across the city
so that our entire city is reached over a few weeks.
A few ideas like: anonymously paying for someone's coffee in the coffee shop or their shopping at the supermarket, mowing your neighbours lawn whilst they're out, or taking their bins out, or cook someone a meal and drop it over to them, or write a post-it note of encouragement for a work colleague and stick it on their desk!
Our prayer is this would be part of an ongoing culture of blessing in our city.
Using social media like FaceBook and Twitter to share expereinces/ photos/ videos of the impact this has had on those doing the blessing or peoples responses,
to encourage and build us up as Bristol Churches Togther.