Bristol Churches Football League
The Bristol Churches Football League has been running for almost 30 years and includes a number of churches in the Bristol and Bath area.
More detail including the current teams that play can be found at the league's website:
We currently run 3 divisions with 27 teams. The league season runs from September until April each year and we are looking to expand. The league has grown over the last few years and churches have found that their football team is a great way for Christian blokes to get together but also as a way of bringing non-Christian friends into the church environment and rub shoulders with other Christians.
We welcome new teams so if you are keen and would like to find out more, then please get in contact with Simon Eakins at simon.eakins a_t yahoo d_o_t co d_o_t uk
We can put you in touch with teams who have entered recently or ones that have been long established within the league if you wish to get an insight into what actually happens.