General Synod backs right of Christians to manifest faith in public life

The Church of England’s Parliament, the General Synod, met last night and decided to back the right of Christians to manifest their faith in the public square.

christian concern

In a debate brought about by a General Synod Member and cleric from the Peterborough Diocese, the Revd Stephen Trott, a bold message on religious freedom was sent to the Government and the UK and European Courts from all three Houses; the Bishops, Clergy and the laity.
The Synod voted by 263 to 25 to pass:
“That this Synod express its conviction that it is the calling of Christians to order and govern our lives in accordance with the teaching of Holy Scripture, and to manifest our faith in public life as well as in private, giving expression to our beliefs in the written and spoken word, and in practical acts of service to the local community and to the nation.”
This is a huge boost to the four British Christians who are taking their cases of religious discrimination to the European Court of Human Rights on September 4.
Two of them are Christian Legal Centre clients Shirley Chaplin and Gary McFarlane. Please support us as we support them.
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