Whole-Life Discipleship Workshops for Churches


How can a church grow as a community of people who help one another live out their whole lives – at home, work, church, in the neighbourhood – as disciples of Jesus? And where could a church with this desire find the resources, tools, advice and support needed to make this vision a reality?

What are the implications for leaders and leadership teams who want to create a missional disciple-making community? How have people grown in confidence to make a difference on their frontlines? What’s helped, what’s hindered and what keeps it going? And how can you discern the right first steps to take in your own particular context?

Whole-Life Discipleship Workshops are a fantastic opportunity for church leaders and their teams to be resourced and to learn from each other about how to create and sustain whole-life disciple making churches.

Over a period of nine months, this series of workshops, led by LICC working in partnership with the Diocese of Bristol and Churches Together in Greater Bristol, will provide an opportunity for church leaders and leadership teams to explore how church ministry can inspire worshippers to fruitfulness in the whole of their lives. The Diocese of Bristol, through its ‘Creating connections’ vision, is prioritising the making of disciples who are committed to following Jesus in a way that inspires them to live daily lives influenced by their faith. The invitation to participate in the workshops is extended to churches of all denominations, with a vision aligned to the making of whole-life disciples.

These workshops will equip churches to take practical steps towards the building of whole-life disciples.
Further information about Whole-Life Discipleship can be found in the accompanying booklet or online at www.licc.org.uk/imagine-church/

Wed 13 Sep - Fruitfulness on the frontline (for everyone)

When: Wednesday 13th September 2017, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Wed 18 Oct - Culture-change for a frontline focus (for leaders)

When: Wednesday 18th October 2017, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Wed 15 Nov - Preaching with a frontline focus (for preachers)

When: Wednesday 15th Nov  2017, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Wed 24 Jan - Spirituality for the frontline (for everyone)

When: Wednesday 24th Jan 2018, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Wed 21 Feb - Worship-leading with a frontline focus (for worship leaders)

When: Wednesday 21st Feb 2018, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Wed 21 Mar - Small groups with a frontline focus (for small group leaders)

When: Wednesday 21st Mar 2018, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Wed 11 Apr - Embedding a culture for a frontline focus (for leaders)

When: Wednesday 11th April  2018, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Wed 9 May - The workplace as your frontline (for anyone in work)

When: Wednesday 9th May  2018, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Wed 13 Jun - Sharing faith on the frontline (for everyone)

When: Wednesday 13th June  2018, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: Redland Parish Church, Redland, Bristol

Workshops will be held at Redland Parish Church, Redland and will run from 7:30-9:30pm

Churches must formally register to participate in the programme by 31 July 2017.
Participation is limited to 12 churches, so please register asap.

Churches cannot join the programme half way through the year or attend a workshop if they have not registered for the programme.
People need only attend the workshops that are relevant for their area of ministry and those that are identifi ed as ‘for everyone’.
The workshops are being funded by the Diocese of Bristol at a cost of £400 per participating church.
Contributions towards this cost would be appreciated through a ‘give what you feel able’ approach.

Chris Priddy, Head of Parish and External Relations at the Diocese of Bristol   0117 906 0100
or Roger Allen, Enabler of Mission and Unity at Churches Together in Greater Bristol 0117 279 5015

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