The blessing of working together

God does amazing things through his church, when we work together in unity. Christians who work together in this way find they are blessed. As the psalmist said, ‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity … there the Lord bestows his blessing’ (Psalm 133).

This was demonstrated earlier this month when Bristol HOPE brought together 1400 volunteers from Tuesday 3rd – Saturday 7th April to take part in a city-wide mission. They worked together in 25 communities on 170 community projects, 25 events and 15 family fun days. More than 20 people became Christians and are being followed up by churches in Bristol. The volunteers included around 500 young people from Soul Survivor, serving alongside local churches and organisations to bless the local community, putting Jesus’ love into words and actions.

Churches in villages, towns and cities are gearing up to summer missions, fun days and events as part of HOPE 2018. HOPE Huddersfield launch last weekend. Contact Sue Jennens in the HOPE office to let her know your plans, and if you have a Facebook page or website, make sure we know so we can add it to the growing list on our HOPE practitioners’ page.

Roy Crowne
Executive Director of HOPE