Arise Finances

Dear Pastor/Leader,


As you are aware, the historic Arise Bristol event will be taking place later this month at Ashton Gate Football Stadium.. This is an unprecedented time of unity within the church in Bristol and we really believe that God has initiated this.


Working towards this event is a dedicated team made up of all denominations and styles. It seems that not a day goes by without another representative part of the body of Christ here in Bristol signing up to be there with their congregation!.


As you can appreciate, an event of this magnitude does not come without financial expense. We have moved in audacious faith by booking Ashton Gate stadium which can seat over 21,000 people. There have been individuals who have personally invested into this and now we are asking you to partner with us.


Despite this being a time when finances are very tight  we believe it is right to ask you and your congregations to invest in this event in two ways:


1.  By giving a one-off gift towards the administration and venue costs.


2. To take up a special offering which will allow your congregation to sow into the event.


We would be extremely grateful to receive offerings before the event itself.


WAYS TO GIVE IN ADVANCE: Individuals ,churches and businesses who wish to give can do so by a) making cheques payable to ‘ARISE UK.’ b) directly to “Arise UK” HSBC  sort code:40-14-18   A/C no. 01806351. Please send cheques to ARISE UK, c/o Wick Court, Court Lane, Wick   BS30 5RB.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Please feel free to forward this information on to others who you feel may be interested.  


Many Thanks,


Pastors Silas and Annie Crawley  

Pastor Nigel Farmer

Pastor Simon Foster

Pastor Var Smallwood

Rev Philip Nott

Roger Allen

Rev Nigel Coles

Jon Doble

Malcolm Jones

Keith Hagon

Pastors Gerri and Michelle Di Soma

Pastor Ray Veira

Pastor Paul Thompson

Father Richard McKay