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Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) promotes Quaker values at the European level. We advocate non-violent approaches to conflict resolution, promote policies that respect the intrinsic equality of all people everywhere, and try to ensure that European policy sustains the planet’s resources and the lives of all those who share them.
We have represented European Quakers in Brussels since 1979.

As members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), one of the peace churches, we believe in that of God in everyone. We believe in non-violent approaches to conflict resolution, in the intrinsic equality of all people everywhere, and in a sustainable way of life for everyone that the one earth we share can support. On the basis of these fundamental beliefs, QCEA makes representations on behalf of European Quakers to those in decision-making roles on issues relating to:

- Peace

- Human rights

- Economic justice

- Sustainability

QCEA calls on the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe to contribute to a Europe which is peaceful, compassionate, open and just in its dealings among the Member States as well as with the countries and peoples beyond their boundaries.