
Churches Together in Greater Bristol (CTGB), also known as Together4Bristol (T4B), celebrates the diversity of the Christian faith in the Bristol region. Open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, CTGB aims to increase unity and cooperation between churches and across the Christian community (the spheres and prayer networks) to help them bring transformation and make a difference in our communities and city.
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About Us

CTGB employs Paul Hazelden for a day a week. He works with an enabling group, chaired by Pastor Fatima Sibanda, of representatives from across the churches (see the list of denominations and church networks below) to promote unity and transformation. CTGB is accountable to the eight senior regional Church Leaders (the Presidents).
CTGB Nov 2020


  • To become a visible sign of our Christian and Church commitment to one another.
  • To help the Church fulfil its call to proclaim the Good News in common witness and service.
  • To enable and challenge churches and Christians not to do alone, what we might do together.
  • To foster networks of relationship between churches, civic authorities and other networks and organisations which promote the well-being of all citizens of the Bristol region.
  • To provide support and encouragement for all those seeking to work ecumenically.
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What we do

Gather: To build relationships and unity
We gather Christians at a variety of events small or big, such as a city-wide gathering for over 5k people at Ashton Gate stadium in 2012 and at the Party in the Park and College Green, also for thousands, in the following two years.
We also have lunches for the eight Presidents. We have lunches for the leaders of Churches Together (and similar) groups and the Communicators across the Christian community.

Grow: To learn from God and each other
Three times a year, there is a Prayer Breakfast with the Mayor, with 50 to 100 church leaders, who pray together for one another, and for the whole of life across the city.
We learn from each other and increasingly gain a vision for the city and the whole of life. For example, at gatherings for about 500 with over 50 stands at the Cathedral for Spectrum in 2011 and 2012, or for thousands at the Colston Hall in 2013, at the Going Deeper conference, with seminars to explore the spheres of life.
Go!: To act together and as individuals
We collaborate with Christian Action Bristol to engage strategically with the Mayor and Council, for example through 7 Offers and Asks and the Christian community's response to COVID-19. We also encourage individuals to help impact the whole of life across the region, for example through learning hubs in 2017 and 2018 with LICC.
At the Ashton Gate stadium gathering we prayed for and released thousands of everyday Christians to help transform the whole of life in the Bristol region.

See the Timeline for more examples of how we are helping transform the Bristol region for good.

How to get involved

If you want to get involved in any way with CTGB, we would love to connect with you. Please get in touch with Ian Taylor - 
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Basis of Faith

See the Basis of Faith of CTGB /T4B 

Associated denominations and church networks

Churches Together in Greater Bristol helps connect various denominations and church networks, about 20 Churches Together groups, or other informal groups of churches, and about a dozen Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs). Email  for details.

Bristol Black Churches Council / Keyboard
Church of God of Prophecy
Congregational Federation
Moravian Church
Redeemed Christian Church of God
Religious Society of Friends
Salvation Army
United Reformed Church
Woodlands Group of Churches / Celebration
Over 50 denominations and networks of churches are national members of Churches Together in England.
love community

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