
We long to see a steadily rising tide of those - in every type of business, profession and work - who know and are living out their calling: to walk with, and work with, and be empowered in their day-to-day work by, God, for the benefit of all in the Bristol region.


About Us

We are Christians with a heart-felt conviction that all legitimate work and business is a High Calling by, and an Adventure with, Almighty God. We link with others, including various organisations listed below.


What we do


Gather: To build relationships and unity
We gather Christians from the business world across the region, for example in about 20 Christian Workplace Groups and for a monthly Business Breakfast.

We gather Christians at a variety of events, for example the Love Work conference in 2016, to envision them with how their work lives can be transformed and bring transformation to business and the workplace.

Grow: To learn from God and each other
We pray together - currently fortnightly on the Upper Reaches barge - for business and work life across the city, and for one another. We aim to spur one another on to more radical discipleship, using resources, such as LICC's “Fruitfulness on the Frontline”, and an LICC Learning Hub in 2018. We had seminars to explore business and workplace issues from Christian perspectives, such as as at the Going Deeper city-wide gathering at the Colston Hall in 2013.

Go!: To act together and as individuals
As a result of growing relationships, Christians can encourage the Bristol business community to take strategic action together, for example providing over 50k meals for about 5k children who were vulnerable to holiday hunger in the summer of 2019, through Feeding Bristol. We started at a gathering with over 5k people at Ashton Gate stadium in 2012, where we prayed for and released individuals involved in Business and Workplace. We also collaborate with all the organisations and networks listed below.

See the Timeline for more examples of how we are helping transform the Bristol region for good.

fruitfulness frontline

Latest Business and Workplace News and Events  

Harbour Festival Photography Competition
...the Upper Reaches ‘Wide-beam Barge’ will be transformed into a floating photography exhibition and a wellbeing hub...
Seven Ethical Calls to UK Election Candidates
seven key behavioural requests for candidates to foster a political climate that respects and promotes Christian values in a fair and compassionate society.
Hand Car Wash Sector Rife with Exploitation
This month, we focus on the presence of exploitation and slavery in the hand car wash sector and how consumers can help by providing vital intelligence.
Sparks Bristol Building Lease Extended Till 2025
Our vision is to continue to grow this vibrant community space as a place to foster creativity and share imaginative ways to lead a more sustainable lifestyle… and we want you to be a part of it!
Faith in Business Quarterly
...the only publication of its type in the UK. It is a quarterly journal relating Christian faith and values to the business world...
Transformed Working Life: How to Live and Work from the Unseen Realm
You are warmly invited to join our TWL series online and free of charge. Register today to book your place. Please pass on this invitation to family, friends and colleagues

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