10DaysCrop 700
10 days of prayer 700

Be part of this umbrella of prayer for our City

Following on from this morning's ebulletin here is the place to sign up and also find out more about the programme. 
We will be joining with many cities and nations around the world during these 10 days www.10days.net as we seek to draw near to God, and to walk in greater oneness with Him and with one another to be a blessing in this great city to which He has called us. 


You can sign up for an hour or two of prayer/worship.
Also we will be hosting a live zoom room throughout this entire period.
If you have any ideas about the content then do let us know.

We will be kicking off the time of prayer at 4 pm on Friday 18th and encourage you to ring a bell, sound an alarm, blow the trumpet or however you feel led to mark the start of our 10 days together.

On Sunday 27th we will gather together across the city for the last two hours from 4 till 6 pm to mark the conclusion of this specific time of consecration to God and deep unity across the city as we speak a corporate blessing over one another and over the city of Bristol.

We look forwards to praying together with you during these 10 days!! 

Ten days of awe - prayer & fasting

Derick Mulubwa

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 8518 1823
Passcode: 171553

BristolCityofHope 700