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Why providing homes in Bristol is so important...

The number of households in Bristol who are stuck in temporary accommodation is 19,000 and increasing. You only have to read this BBC article from a family in 015641b7-4199-4cae-a9ce-1b3038Bristol to hear the misery and suffering this causes, especially to children. Hope into Action: Bristol is a franchise we hold to enable churches to help provide homes for homeless people and those at risk of homelessness. We already have two homes with 5, nearly 6 tenants in situ, and a waiting list. One of the tenants was stuck on a hostel for 10 years! - "I haven’t had anywhere I can call home. When I left prison 10 years ago I was moved into a hostel, where I have been ever since. It is noisy, there’s lots of anti-social behaviour, no cooker, and people steal your food out of the fridge. It is a stressful place to live." You can read what else this tenant has to say here

Hope into Action: Bristol - Event for Church Leaders
If you’re a church leader in Bristol, who wants your church to be part of providing homes for homeless people, but you have no idea where to start, then this event is for you!
Come and hear first-hand from the leader and team of a church who are supporting one of the Hope into Action: Bristol homes, what the process has been like and how their church has been positively affected.

More importantly, come and hear from some of the current tenants about the difference having a stable and safe home, within a caring Christian community, has had on their lives and the outlook for their futures. A few days before moving in one tenant said this, “All I’ve wanted is a home – now I’ve got one! There should be more churches helping people like me – giving people a chance, a new life, a normal life.”
Will the church step up to the challenge? Come and find out more. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the evening. 

Tuesday 18th April
Resound, Blackhorse Road, Mangotsfield, BS16 9BP
7:30pm start, finish by 9:30pm
Free event, but so we can get an idea on numbers, please register here.
We are excited to let you know that we are in the final stages of preparing to re-open Spring of Hope Women's Centre overnight, for homeless and vulnerable women!
We anticipate that this will happen next month!
There are a number of ways people can support Spring of Hope: donate practical items, volunteer, pray, and donate financially
Volunteers are needed.
Are you a woman who would like to use some of your free time to help other women who are suffering homelessness and abuse? We have many volunteer roles that will support the life-changing work happening at Spring of Hope. Click here to find out more. 
Practical items to aide re-opening
Small sofa bed (single or small double).
Toiletries - facial moisturisers (not tinted), conditioner, hand soap (bottle not bar please), shower gel and shampoo.
Tissues - boxes and single packs.
Clothing - loose and comfortable items, mainly joggers and trainers (size 6 most common).
Foods - cereals, tinned items, UHT milk, tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits
We plan to open an online store very soon, but for now, donations can be dropped off at Carpenter House on Stapleton Road, BS5 0QY, Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4pm, ensuring you say these are donations for Spring of Hope. 
It's an exciting time!
Spring Appeal for our Foodbank
This graph shows the number of people fed in the first 9 weeks of 2023 compared to the same weeks in 2022.
Our Foodbank is seeing a high demand for help compared to this time last year. This has, unfortunately, coincided with a decrease in food donations. So much so, the levels of some of the most basic food and consumable items in the warehouse are shockingly low or completely out of stock. 
Can you help? Below is a list of urgent items needed. Every tin or carton donated, really helps our Foodbank to keep feeding the numbers of people experiencing hunger in South and East Bristol. 
You can donate online or in person. Find out where, when and how to donate here.
We wouldn't be able to do it without your support. Thank you. 
Supporter Prayer - Tuesday 21st March - 7pm - 8pm on Zoom
Join with other inHope supporters from all over the Bristol area to pray together for our work to end injustice and insecurity.
Click the link to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 839 9899 1861
For the first time since 2019, Vision for the Vulnerable is back in person!
For this special occasion of meeting together we have Val Jean coming to share with us. Val is the founder of One25 and has recently released a book called, 'Broken by Love: Transforming the Lives of Women on Streets of Bristol,' which is Val's biography of stepping out in faith and doing what God called her to do. 
As well as hearing from Val, updates from Beloved and Spring of Hope Women's Centre will be given.
If you have a passion for women to be set free from homelessness, addiction, prostitution, and violence, this event is not to be missed! 
When? Tuesday 18th April, 7pm - 8:30pm
Where? Woodlands Church Crypt, Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 2AA
Reminder of Job and Volunteer roles available.
We have job and volunteer opportunities in nearly every project and department. 
Job adverts and descriptions can be found here: 
The Managers of the projects/departments (Ruth Nott, Steve Baker, Nicola Saunders, and Stuart Leitch) would love to hear from you if you're at all interested and would like to informally find out more before applying. Their respective contact details are in the body of each advert.
There is a particular need for a Maintenance Volunteer. Volunteer roles and descriptions can be found here:
inHope's vision is of communities where everybody can reach their God-given potential, free from injustice and insecurity. 
Your support will make this vision a reality.
Thank you for reading this edition of our monthly e-newsletter. Visit our website and social media to find out more about us and how you can get involved by volunteering, donating, praying, and spreading the word! 
I'd love to hear from you with any questions, comments or encouragements you may have to share with me or the rest of the inHope team. 
Senior Communications Officer

Posted: April 2023