Find Out What We've Been Up To Recently

Dear friends,   It’s been a busy time for the Christians in Politics speaking team at various events and festivals. We thought it would be good to give you a flavour of what’s been going on.  
At the end of our session, the team got to pray for many people who came forward responding to the call into public life. There was a tangible joy in the room and many people reported everything finally ‘clicking’ as they realised that they could after all integrate their faith and their politics!

Our content is a little different to some of the normal fare on GOD TV, but it’s a wonderful opportunity to make the case for Christian engagement in the public square. You can watch Andy’s in-depth interview here
Perhaps if you have friends who question your involvement in politics, this may be a good video to send them. Or to just share generally in whatever ways that you share things!
It has been incredibly strategic to contribute to the Gather Movement summits in Sheffield and London. Gather is the umbrella group for unity movements from various towns and cities around the UK. The relationships are growing at speed, and are providing the relational foundation for ‘spheres groups’ to be built. For example, all the Christians with a passion for or involved in politics across any given town coming together – see this video explaining a little more here.
You may want to use it to convince folks in your vicinity to get together. But increasingly a “Churches Together” type entity provides sustainable ‘housing’ for these groups, so please try to connect them in, rather than floating off into the parachurch ether! 

Thanks very much, 
The Christians in Politics Team.


Posted: June 2023