Why is this incredible? Because as we read on, we see that Jesus performed one of the most well-known miracles, so well-known, that the saying "it was like trying to feed the five thousand!" is a colloquialism. We know how the story goes, don't we?
It is incredible because Jesus looks to His disciples to do something utterly nature-defying. With only five loaves and two fish, the disciples cannot possibly feed the multitude before them. But God can and He does. Jesus Christ - God made flesh - gives thanks and as He breaks up the small amount of food, it multiplies in His loving hands.
Jesus gives His time, compassion and miraculous powers to feed the hungry people that He doesn't send away. Can you imagine if Jesus had taken the advice of His disciples? How would the rest of His story unfold?
Perhaps the disciples's suggestion wasn't a bad suggestion, given that it was getting late and they were in a remote place. Jesus had already taken time to heal people. Isn't what the disciples suggested what we might suggest?
But God works differently and He calls us to do the same by being part of His kingdom work all over the world (Rom 8:28). Not in our own power (Matt 19:26) or leaning towards our own understanding (Prov 3:5) but looking to Him to work miracles. God can and God does.