Reflecting on The Noise 2024 and looking forward to Noise365

It was a great weekend and amazing way to finish this season of The Noise in Bristol. We have been really encouraged to hear some of the stories from across the city, from those who volunteered, attended community events or received support from a team of volunteers. If you were volunteering and have a story to share of what you experienced or saw God do in lives over the weekend or since, please do get in touch!

We also want to say a very big THANK YOU to everyone who is receiving this email for all the ways that you shared your time and skills to bless our city during The Noise 2024 or any of the other years that you have been involved!
What happened?

Once again, we want to share a glimpse of the scale and impact of The Noise event all together. But also reminding ourselves of the possibilities as we move forward on churches working in their local neighbourhoods, 365 days in a year. Click here to have a read of what took place this year!

We have added photos from the weekend to our Facebook page and they will soon be on our website. Please do take a look and share with your friends!

Check out the full weekend review video below!
Stories and feedback

We love hearing stories and here is an incredible before and after picture from a Horfield/Lockleaze project over The Noise 2024. The youth team were given no power tools but absolutely cleared this jungle of brambles! 

We'll be sharing more photos on our social media over the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for them.

“I wasn't home all day but when I arrived home I was stood in my garden in tears, I was so overwhelmed how amazing it looked and how hard you all worked. As a disabled single mum I've not been able to do anything in the garden for years, so to see it look this good has changed mine and my kids life for the better. Honestly I can't thank you all enough, it has such a massive positive impact on my mental health and knowing my kids can now use the garden on days my disability is too much is amazing. Thank you!”

- Knowle West Garden Project Recipient

"Thank you to the team of volunteers from Bristol Noise for spending their Bank Holiday Monday here at St Werburghs Community Centre painting and decorating. The team refreshed our skirting boards, which, any DYIer will tell you, it's not an easy or exciting task!"
- from St Werburghs Community Centre
End of a season...

After 24 years of The Noise, as trustees we have felt this season has come to an end, so there is space for the growing impact of Noise 365 across the Bristol region. We had this special video commissioned to bring together a small glimpse of the last 24 years and looking forward to the future. See if you can spot a younger version of yourself or friends.

There are too many people to thank as we look back but special thanks to our event coordinators over the years (Sarah, Esther, Rachel and Beth) and other staff members over the years, trustees for holding the vision and strategy, key volunteers who gave their time behind the scenes sacrificially throughout the year and the 1000's of volunteers who have been involved on the Noise weekends.

Please join us on this journey going forward as we move into this new season. Contact us if there are ways we can support your church or community organisations in your neighbourhood.

Watch 24 years of the Noise below >>

Noise 365

We will be looking to take the principles of Noise weekends, and help individuals, churches and organisations to be able to run with projects, events or even longer term initiatives, every day of the year. We have always aimed for this to be a springboard to inspire everyone to be ‘showing God’s love in practical ways’ the whole year round. 

‘Noise 365’ has three key priorities to inspire and equip individuals, churches and organisations in ways they can connect with, and effectively serve their local communities.

These priorities are:

  • Resourcing practical projects and events - Sharing good practice, ideas and stories of learning and success from different churches and neighbourhoods. We hope to resource events or projects with a library of practical tools or equipment, documents for diligent planning and signposting to longer term groups that could be run.

  • Networking - Connecting you with opportunities to join in with what’s already happening in the city and in your neighbourhood. We hope to nurture unity across all areas of the Bristol city region, connect individuals in different areas of the city, and serve together with churches or organisations for the practical benefit of our communities.

  • Training - Sharing relevant training opportunities, and working with others to host training that equips churches with the skills to enhance how they connect with community. We hope this leads to a website of downloadable content, and signposting to training events, to help upskill anyone interested to run with community engagement work. 

  • Consultancy - Offering tailored support for churches looking to use social action to build better community relationships. Contact us to discuss this further.

Please join our Noise 365 mailing list to keep in touch

Watch this video by Luke Goodway who is our Noise 365 Development worker sharing the vision going forward >>

Support the work of Bristol Noise

All the activities of The Noise 2024 and Bristol Noise charity going forwarded are funded by individuals and churches. We are also looking at larger grant funding to be able help sustain our vision in a new season.

We are really grateful for every volunteer contribution that helped towards making this final year happen, including inflatables, tools, publicity, insurance, health & safety, site licences, rubbish trucks, tshirts, and more! Thank you!
Click here to find out how you can give a one-off or regular donation
Finally, a massive THANK YOU to all of you for being a part of this year's event. Each one of your contributions before, during and after the weekend has been a part of a citywide display of love and unity!

Love from

Stewart, Beth, Luke and the Bristol Noise Core Team

Posted: May 2024