
UK General Election July 4th: Collection of Potentially Useful Items (Regularly Updated)


Various potentially useful items related to the UK's upcoming General Election drawn together here for your convenience, keep scrolling down for more...

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Seven ethical calls to UK elec
Seven ethical calls to UK elec


Welcome to Impact Direct, your regular update on all things UK politics. Over the next few weeks, our main focus will be on the general election.

This week, CARE launched a bespoke website dedicated to equipping Christians to engage with the 2024 General Election: engage24.org.uk. Below are just a few highlights from the catalogue of resources at your fingertips!  


Take a look at our topic primers packed full of Biblical teaching to help you prayerfully consider your own position on these complex issues. Explore them below.


Keep up to speed with developments on the campaign trail and find thoughtful writing on Christian engagement in politics below.


Also in the News

Here’s your roundup of what else is happening in the public square:  



Folks you are the first to see the General Election 2024 video made in conjunction with the Bible Society. It will be launched to the nation tomorrow at 10am, but we thought you deserved to see it first!

Our goal is that every church in the UK would show this video at a service in the next few weeks in the run-up to the election. Please forward it to your leaders, and please also SHARE it by email or social media – here is the easy link https://bit.ly/election24BB

What is crucial with these sorts of videos is lots of people ‘LIKEing’ and leaving positive comments underneath the YouTube video, as that makes it more visible in the algorithms to many others. Let’s pray it goes far and wide and that this is a year where people go deep rather than shallow in their political engagement! Let’s pray that the campaign has more light than heat! Let’s pray ‘your will be done, your kingdom come’.

There will be much more to say soon of course, but for now, let’s get sharing at 10am or whenever you can tomorrow…

Thanks for all you do!


As you no doubt will have seen, the Prime Minister has called the next General Election for Thursday 4 July.

Over the next six weeks, the political parties will be setting out their key election messages and publishing their manifestos.

This is a huge opportunity for Christians to be salt and light by engaging with this election. What an immense opportunity, and what a privilege it is to live in a democracy!

At CARE, we’ve been preparing for this moment for a long time.

I’m delighted to let you know that tomorrow evening, exactly six weeks out from polling day, we will launch our exclusive election website, engaGE24!

It is packed with content designed to help you engage well with this election. You’ll find:

  • a policy quiz, to help you investigate who you most align with
  • a bespoke prayer diary, covering 40 days around the election
  • policy primers – covering education, healthcare, environment, immigration, economy and much more!
  • blogs covering all the big questions you might have this election time
  • exclusive interviews with Christian MPs, including Miriam Cates and Tim Farron
  • videos you can play in your church about how to vote and why you should vote
  • our engaGE24 podcast

And much more! Plus we’ll be providing a Christian analysis of the manifestos when they are published.

The build up to this election has been a long time coming. Please join me in praying over the next six weeks.

As we read in 1 Timothy 2:1-2: “I want people everywhere to pray for Kings and all those in authority…”

What a joy it is to know that over all of our politics, Jesus is King! Let’s pray that God raises up new Christian MPs who will be salt and light across Westminster.

Look out for my email tomorrow which will officially launch our new engaGE24 website, and please forward it onto your friends, family, church leaders and whoever might find it helpful!

Every blessing,


Ross Hendry


Hello Friend
Yesterday evening, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the date of the General Election as 4 July. It took commentators by surprise, and the next few weeks will be full of economic and political analysis.
Most people reading this Newsletter will be citizens, with a vote. We’ll inform ourselves about the issues, as everyone should. But we’ll also be asking ourselves deeper questions. We’re facing enormous challenges as a country. As well as praying for the candidates and for our national future, how do we bring our faith to bear on this election? How do we use the Bible to reflect on how we should vote?
Bible Society has teamed up with Christians in Politics (CiP) to create Bible-based resources to help Christians think through the issues, under the banner Britain and the Bible. We’ll be adding to these over the next couple of weeks, but right now we have a booklet by CiP Executive Director Andy Flannagan, 66 Politics – free to download – and a video narrated by Andy that’s ideal for playing in churches. 
Let’s pray for all those involved in campaigning during the next few weeks, that they’ll speak and act with grace, truth and respect, and that Christians will engage with the issues that mean so much to all of us. 
As the inscription (in Latin) on the stone floor of Parliament’s Central Lobby says: ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain’ (Psalm 127.1). 
James Howard-Smith
Newsletter Editor

Listening to Philippians

rooted pod andscape banner-990
The Rooted Podcast is back for series two. This time we’re talking about Philippians. Join us for conversations on preaching the gospel no matter the cost, the Christ hymn and Jesus’ example of humility, unity in the church, and much more. Listen to episode one right now 

Share your prayer for healing

‘Dear Lord, let us pray for everyone who finds themselves in a dark place, lost in their life, unable to move forward with their lives. I pray that the light of Jesus will shine through and that they will see you're never alone with Jesus in your life.’ Tony has shared this prayer as an encouragement to others. Share your prayer today as a help to people seeking God’s healing. Share your prayer →

Three lessons on sharing the gospel

Bible Philippians
If you’re ever thinking, ‘How on earth can I share the gospel?’ you should look at Paul – and not as a celebrity evangelist with every advantage, but as someone who faced all kinds of setbacks. Dig deeper into Paul’s letter to the Philippians and discover three ways you can sharpen your witness right now. Read more 

My Bible

Reasons to believe in the power of the Bible


‘I keep coming back to John 6.67–68 where Jesus has been teaching and people are finding it hard to understand and lots of his peripheral followers are falling away ...’ Read more →

Updated: June 2024
Posted: May 2024