
How Will We End Hunger?

Over the past year, you have stood alongside us as we have called on the UK Government to embed an Essentials Guarantee within Universal Credit to protect people from going without. Thank you.  

An Essentials Guarantee should be a key priority for the next UK Government. As we approach a UK General Election, our Manifesto is urging all political parties to set out how they will build a future where no one needs a food bank. 

The building blocks that will end hunger for good:

1. We have a supportive social security system, which ensures everyone can afford the essentials.
2. Everyone can get the right support at the right time, especially when things are hard.  

3. People are supported in a way that reflects the reality of their lives, especially if they’re facing higher costs and barriers.  

4. Everyone has the security we all need to unlock opportunities and have hope for the future.


Together we can put the right systems, policies and practices in place to make this future a reality. You can help by standing with us to call for these changes. 

Over the coming months we will be in touch with different ways you can use your voice to stand up for people who are currently going without the essentials.  

When we call for change together, our voices are impossible to ignore. 

Thank you, 
The Trussell Trust 


Posted: May 2024