It's Time to Take Action!


Take action: write to your local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates

Despite over two years of rising costs and millions of people being trapped under the rubble of debt, none of the UK's major political parties are currently pledging to tackle poverty ahead of the general election.

Currently, those in power are letting people living in poverty down. These are our family members, friends, neighbours, people in our communities who are in urgent need and deserve better. You can make sure that those in debt and poverty have their voices heard ahead of the general election.

Will you write to your local candidates, urging them to prioritise tackling UK poverty?

Your local candidates (PPCs) are running to become your MP - your representative in Westminster. Let's make sure they understand that tackling poverty is a matter of public urgency.

General election updates: sign up

During this general election period, our Director of External Affairs, Gareth McNab, will be connecting with our campaigning community on a weekly basis to keep them up to date on all things relating to the general election. Simply sign up to our campaigning community to be included in these emails.

Latest report: under the rubble of debt and poverty

We’re so grateful for your shared passion to tackle poverty in the UK. We are seeing incredible individual transformations through our local church-based services, but there’s so much more to be done. We need to eradicate the drivers pushing people into, and keeping people trapped in, poverty.

But what are the drivers of poverty, and how do we actually address them?

Our latest client report, ‘Under the rubble of debt and poverty: removing the barriers that prevent us from living life to the full’ explores exactly this.

‘Under the rubble…’ dives into the reality of living in debt and poverty, including the reasons people become trapped in it. It paints a picture of poverty across a variety of demographics, as well as the four UK nations. The report explains how ‘clearing the rubble’ must involve everyone working together to see meaningful, long lasting change.

To explore poverty through the eyes of those whose lives your valuable support is directly impacting, give ‘Under the rubble…’ a read today.

Latest blogs

With our latest edition of Lifted magazine now out, I wanted to share with you a few of the articles for you to dig into:

A personal message

A personal insight into my life, and how tragedy and loss led to me falling in love with the ordinariness of an ordinary church.Other eshot images 0003 Stewar

A hub of hope

A look into Guildford Job Club and how it became a ‘hub of hope’ for husband and wife, Sue and Tim, at a difficult time in their lives.
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A life changed, changing lives

Our Director of Fundraising, Alex Jones, sits down with CAP supporter and former client, Daphne. Daphne describes her experience of debt and how she’s now a regular giver to CAP, helping others break free from poverty, like the 14,753 people CAP helped last year.

Jesus: compassionate disruptor

In all the stories in which Jesus breaks the ‘rules’, you’ll find that they all result in restoration and reintegration of the marginalised into the community. This article explores how, when we follow the example of Jesus, we can bring things into the way they were always intended to be.
Together, we are all Christians Against Poverty: a movement that has the power to make a difference – you, me, supporters, staff, volunteers, church members and all those with a heart to see the chains of poverty broken once and for all.

I feel humbled and privileged to be able to be part of this incredible, passionate movement alongside all of you, led by Jesus and for Jesus, and I look forward to keeping you up-to-date on the impact we make together over the months and years to come.
Stewart signature
Stewart McCulloch
Chief Executive Officer
Christians Against Poverty


Posted: May 2024