
 Email your Parliamentary Candidates and
General Election Manifesto 2024

As you know, more and more people are being left with no option but to turn to a food bank because Universal Credit is falling short. We know it doesn’t have to be this way. Our social security system should support any one of us when we need help and protect us from going without. 

We need urgent action from the next UK Government to protect people from going without the essentials.  

Parliament has been dissolved and now Parliamentary Candidates are running for election in every constituency. 

Together we can call on these Candidates to sign our pledge, committing to advocate for changes which will help ensure our social security system protects people from needing a food bank to survive. 

Will you take three minutes to email your Candidates and ask them to sign our pledge? 

We have just five weeks to make sure that every Candidate knows this is a priority. 

Thank you for standing with us again as we call for a future where no one needs a food bank to survive. 

The Trussell Trust


 All Candidates Have Been Announced

Because of you, and thousands of campaigners like you in our movement for change, over 130 candidates have signed our pledge. 

The action you’ve taken shows local candidates that you care deeply about the rising levels of hardship in your community, and that you expect them to use their voice in calling for the changes needed so that no one needs a food bank to survive.  

The responses we’ve had so far from candidates provide hope that things can, and must, change so everyone can afford the essentials. But more of the public and politicians need to know this is a concern we all share so more urgent action is taken.  

Ahead of the General Election, the BBC is giving you the chance to suggest stories you’d like your local, regional and national BBC News teams to investigate.  

We’d love for you to: 

  • Fill in the form, sharing your concern about the increasing need for food banks in your community – you could even share your local food bank statistics which you can find here.
  • Highlight how we're not seeing enough from party leaders on how they plan to tackle it. 

Your voice matters. By sharing your local statistics and stories, you can help put food bank need at the heart of the General Election coverage. 

Thank you, 
The Trussell Trust

General Election Manifesto 2024

Download .PDF Version: Click Here

trussel manifesto 24

Posted: June 2024