
Look What The Lord Did!

'Come and see what the Lord has done,
the amazing things he has done on the earth.'

Psalm 46:8


You've got to read Psalm 46! We're informed of who God is, what He has done, what He can do and we are reminded in verse 11 that 'the Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us.'
It says that His voice thunders and the earth melts (v6) and that He causes wars to end (v9); Jesus Himself said “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)

So does God 'wow' you with his magnificence and awe? 

In this 'Latest Score' you will read of God's goodness as we report on what He has done over the 12 months as well as some very recent impact highlights through our work for Him. 

Thank you for supporting us prayerfully and financially and to Jesus be the glory, and may He continue to 'wow' us all with His great love and power. 


Stand strong!

Grant & Team WSM 

What a YEAR!

Our ministry year ends on March 31st and so we are delighted to share an overview of what the Lord did throughout our partnering network over the past 12 months now that we have collated the data.

He really did help us start new team and train & mentor leaders to deliver disciple-making outreach that led to thousands hearing the great news of Jesus and many choosing to begin following Him. All this in the relevant and relational environment of sport and leisure. 

Could you help even MORE happen this year?

Captivated on CAMP

Recently our local team staged two sports camps during the school break and the Lord was so faithful once again to fill it with great moments and life change.

“Today, one child aged 6 said to the group that “God is more powerful than death.” Another young boy boldly prayed in front of the whole group, “God, please be my friend,” and Talitha incredibly re-told the story of the Prodigal Son in such detail and then prayed for everyone.”
Group leader

As well as this:
“We had such a great day experientially and emotionally discovering ‘worthiness.’ Our entire group admitted to being made to feel significantly unworthy in the past which had affected their confidence; then, when asked if they would like God to erase those memories and to install an internal confidence that they are ‘enough, accepted and worthy of His and other people’s love,’ many said they sensed a ‘shift’ occur after we prayed. Four of the group also chose to begin a journey following Jesus as Lord.” 
Camp Coach

Glory to God!
Visit the 'GET Sported' UK website


The core team in Burundi reached into a new area of the country last month; the mission - share Jesus and equip local churches and believers to do the same ongoing.
For days, outreach was done in the Rubororo area of the Ngoni province. In total, 6,894 people in local communities, prisons, hospitals and schools were impacted with 1,858 of them choosing to begin following Jesus. A large soccer tournament capped the week off with 45 believers from 10 partnering churches being envisioned and trained throughout the process.
Mission accomplished - praise Jesus!
Help us reach more areas
Posted: June 2024