TENteams, Erion's Opportunity
and Anita Takes the Lead


Hello! Thank you for your continued support and for opening this email. We hope our latest news inspires and encourages you. This month, learn how you can further the work of TEN both home and away.

Here's what's coming up in your June edition:

  • TENteams: Last Call for North Macedonia!
  • Erion Cuni Invites You to Albania
  • Anita Dimitrievska is Commissioned to Lead
  • Become a Digital Ambassador

Banner Photo: Split, Croatia
TENteams: Last Call for North Macedonia
This is our final call for North Macedonia! Well, it is for this year. 

Do you love sharing about Jesus with others? Or want to grow in evangelism?
Then you could join us for our TENteams evangelistic trip to share the gospel with the people of Struga, North Macedonia
The TENteam will work alongside our wonderful partners Emil and Vesna and take part in street and friendship evangelism. They will also help facilitate leading Bible studies.

The trip runs from 17-25 September this year and is open to applicants aged 18 and above. The deadline to receive applications is 15th July 2024.
If you would like to join our trip, get in touch with Lucy Reid very soon!
Contact Lucy:
About Emil & Vesna
Erion Cuni Invites You to Albania
Erion Cuni is a church planter and pioneer of the gospel in Albania. Both Erion and his wife, Gentiana are actively involved in ministries at "Life in Christ" Church of God in Tirana, and also Pogradec and the surrounding villages.

If you feel a call to experience and support the work of our partners up close, Erion has an exciting opportunity to share:
God has opened many doors to share the gospel but we have few workers. This is why we are looking for people to come and join us in an internship programme for 3-6 months or even a year. If you are 18-45 and feel that God wants you to serve with us short-term, please contact Melanie Griffiths at TEN and she will connect you with us.
About Erion & Gentiana
Contact Melanie:
Anita Dimitrievska is Commissioned to Lead
At the start of this month, the senior pastor of Ohrid Evangelical Church retired and returned to Serbia. TEN partner, Anita Dimitrievska, who has been the assistant pastor there for three years stepped into the role.

To mark the occasion, the church held an event and guests, including TEN partners from across North Macedonia
came to bless the retired pastor and to pray over Anita as she was commissioned to lead the church. Anita was ordained eight years ago. 
Please pray for Anita to have wisdom and guidance from God. Pray for all the believers at Ohrid Evangelical Church to grow in their discipleship and be a light for Christ.
Be A Digital Ambassador
Do you follow our work on social media? Did you know you can be an ambassador for TEN right where you are?
The more you interact - like, comment or share - with our posts on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, the more those platforms show our posts and videos to other people they think may be interested. You also get to share what God is doing with your friends.
We want others to hear how God is working through us and our partners to transform lives in Eastern Europe and the Balkans and we are really interested in what you think too.

So, follow us on our socials and 'like', comment and share our posts to your heart's content.
Thank you so much for your support. We hope you are encouraged and inspired - you really make a difference.

Be blessed!

The TEN team.
Posted: June 2024