Prayer Barge: End of Year Message
The Prayer Barge continues to seek to bless the Temple Quay working community with prayer, through the availability of the barge as a venue and by exploring what discipleship looks like in the workplace.
Changing Tunes Winter Newsletter
Distilling a year into a couple of paragraphs is always hard, however for this year in particular it feels really tricky. We have pushed ahead on a number of fronts.
Latest Score: HIS-story
Jesus was, still is and always will be in the 'changed life business;' He's done it for you, He's done it for me and whilst you read this and we sleep tonight, He'll be doing it for others.
Changing Tunes Winter Newsletter
Distilling a year into a couple of paragraphs is always hard, however for this year in particular it feels really tricky. We have pushed ahead on a number of fronts.
Noise 365 December Update
We are reflecting on what has been a very busy year for Team Noise. We started in May, seeing over 700 volunteers of all generations to help run around 20 different community events and over 50 practical projects across the whole city.